Vietnam (Day 19) Ninh Binh Oasis Relaxation
We welcomed this planned extra day in Ninh Binh at Tam Coc Garden to simply relax. This part of Vietnam really is a calming oasis and the grounds surrounding Tam Coc Garden are easy to stroll.
While other guests headed out after breakfast for sightseeing, we headed straight for the pool. Caitlin and Molly wandered the gardens of the resort on their own and of course, enjoyed the Netflix/iPad time. I had some tummy upset, whether from food or too much adult beverages it's hard to pinpoint. Simply relaxing was all I needed to soon feel better.
Rob and Caitlin went exploring on bikes provided by the resort, whereas Molly and I could not be bothered to leave the pool area. They covered a lot of ground and returned with tales of adventure having gone into "town". I was relieved to see them as they stayed out until dark. By the way, there are no lights coming down the long lane to Tam Coc Garden, so it would be wise to take a flashlight whether strolling or biking to return after dark.
It's beautiful out here and I'm sure we will miss it, especially the fruit tray provided daily in our room.
We ended up eating dinner at the hotel restaurant and then relaxed around guess where? The pool, of course.
Well rested, we are excited to return to the city excitement of Hanoi.
Up Next: Hanoi Sweet Hanoi
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